Program 2022


19:00, Manciano, Osteria dell’Orologio:
opening of the Saturnia Film Festival with tasting of Capua wines and typical local products in the streets of the Borgo Antico. Reservations required, for info and costs: Tel. 0564-629503

9.00 pm, Manciano Piazza Magenta:
screening of the films in competition
Stone Heart 9′, Humberto Rodrigues, Brazil
Intended for spouses Lo Giglio 10’36”, Nicola Prosatore, Italy
Lost Kings 15′, Brian Lawes, United States
Our ghosts 90′, Alessandro Capitani, Italy. A debate with the director will follow.

29 July

6:00 pm:Visit to the Biennale Artivism in the premises of the Keep of the Orsini Fortress in Sorano. Meeting with the artists authors of the art short section shorts.

7.00 pm:Aperitif and tasting of typical local products, on the Terrace of the Orsini Fortress with performance by STUDIO MAS TASSINI in Paris.

9.00 pm:Giardini della Fortezza Orsini, Art Short section award ceremony and screening of the films in competition
Migrants 8’22”, Hugo Caby, Antoine Dupriez, Aubin Kubiak, Lucas Lermytte, Zoè Devise, France
Big 14′, Daniele Pini, Italy
Free Fall 19’28 ”, Emmanuel Tenenbaum, France
Small Body93 ‘, Laura Samani, Italy. Followed by a debate with the author and the cast.

30 July

3:00 pm Congress Hall Terme di Saturnia: “Editing in the cinema”, masterclass by Jacopo Quadri (editor of films by great directors such as Bernardo Bertolucci and Mario Martone)

5:00 pm Terme di Saturnia Congress Hall. Presentation VR (Virtual Reality) Experience by the producer and director Alessandro Parrello, with the possibility of seeing some of his short films in augmented reality and cinema including “Nikola Tesla the man from the future “.

7:30 pm La Grada Brewery in Piazza del Castello, dinner with “cinema menu”. Reservations required, for info and costs: tel. 328 9277013

9.00 pm Piazza del Castello Montemerano, screening of the films in competition
Footsteps on the wind 7’14”, Maya Sanbar, Faga Melo, Gustavo Leal, United Kingdom
Don Vs Lightning 12′, Big Red Button, United Kingdom
Roman Night 12′, Valerio Ferrara, Italy
September 110′. Giulia Steigerwalt, Italy. Following a debate with the director moderated by the film critic Augusto Sainati.

31 July

From 10:00 to 19:00, Terme di Saturnia Natural Destination Congress Hall, VR (Virtual Reality) Experience </ strong> of some short films in augmented reality including “Nikola Tesla the man from the future” by Alessandro Parrello.

10:00 am Congress Hall Terme di Saturnia Natural Destination: “The analysis of the film”, masterclass by by the film critic and journalist Augusto Sainati, professor at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples.

11:30 am, Congress Hall Terme di Saturnia Natural Destination: ”From observation to (re) creation of reality” masterclass on documentary cinema ”by the director Francesco Del Grosso.
Following meeting with Paolo Orlando (distributor of Medusa Film) and the authors of the films in competition, available for any curiosity and doubts, moderated by Alessandro Grande (director winner of the David di Donatello).

From 15:00 to 19:00, EX Church of Santa Cristina, Rocchette di Fazio, VR experience (Virtual Reality) of some augmented reality short films including “Nikola Tesla the man from the future” by Alessandro Parrello.

9.00 pm, Thermal Park: award ceremony for all sections of the festival, with guests and with the screening of some works out of competition:
Gabriella 98, 2nd documentary by Terme di Saturnia and Yasser Lashin, Italy
Confetti, 9′ by Maddalena Stornaiuolo, Italy

The Saturnia Film Festival HOMES the 100 years since the birth of UGO TOGNAZZI with the presence of Ricky at the Festival Tognazzi and the vision of the episode “Sentimental education” (4′) of the film I MOSTRI, 1963 by Dino Risi, with Ugo and Ricky Tognazzi.
There will be a JURY made up of: Paolo Orlando (PRESIDENT OF THE JURY) Medusa Film , Mario Mazzetti (Journalist), Manuela Rima (Rai Cinema) Mirella Cheeseman (WILDSIDE).
The guest of honor of the evening was the actor Francesco Montanari.

11:30 pm , Thermal Park After the award ceremony, the usual Final Party will follow with live music aboard the suggestive Source Mother. (By invitation only).


All evenings will be presented again this year by the actor MATTEO NICOLETTA , historical face of the Saturnia Film Festival.


31 JULY , from 6 pm to 11 pm screening in STREAMING of the films in competition on the Mymovies for the VIRTUAL CINEMA ROOM LA COMPAGNIA FIRENZE, FONDAZIONE SISTEMA TOSCANA.


2nd edition of Biennale Artivism: collective exhibition on ecology and climate change with works by more than 40 artists, spread between the Le Clarisse cultural center in Grosseto, the Orsini Fortress in Sorano and the Venetian San Vidal gallery which includes the SHORT ART composed of 5 films selected by the artistic commission of ARTIVISM , in the spaces of SORANO (Fortezza Orsini), VENICE (SAN VIDAL San Zaccaria), GROSSETO (Le Clarisse Cultural Center, Video Art Short section only),
Fortezza Orsini: open every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 1pm and from 3 pm to 6 pm. For info 0564633767
Le Clarisse Cultural Center: open compatibly with the opening of the Luzzetti Museum for info: 0564 488067
8 SEPTEMBER VENICE: 9:30 pm Galleria San Vidal, San Zaccaria, Venice “Twinning SFF and Biennale Artivism” with screening of the winning short of the SFF2022 edition

For security reasons and the limitation of places, reservations are required WITHIN AND NOT LATER THAN 26/07/2022 to the email: