Program 2018
The Saturnia FILM FESTIVAL will take place this year from 31 August to 1 to 2 September 2018
for a period of three days in some locations of the City of Manchester (Grosseto, ITALY):
August 31, 2018
Opening night Manciano Magenta in the picturesque square
below the castle Aldobrandesco which houses the City of Manchester.
21.30 – Projections:
Out of Competition: “Several” Cinema Laboratories – Comprehensive School Pietro Aldi – Manciano
THE NAP Adolfo Di Molfetta (Italy – 8’16 “- animation)
At Finfirifinfinfine Francesco D’Ascenzo (Italy – 9 ‘ 00 “- documentary)
19’35” Adam Selo (Italy – 11’00 “- Italian fiction)
of Breed Dogs Richard Antonaroli and Nicoletta Matteo (Italy 15’00” – Italian fiction)
Gaze of Farnoosh Samadi (Iran – 15 ’00 “- international fiction)
Framed Marco Jemolo (Italy – 7’00” – animation)
Mother Rodrigo Sorogoyen (Spain – 18’00 “- international fiction)
Magic Alps Andrea and Marco Brusa Scotuzzi (Italy – 14’45 “- Italian fiction)
September 1, 2018 – Piazza Castello
Second evening in the medieval village Montemerano
(recently included among the most beautiful villages in Italy)
21.30 pm:
Out of competition:
The Jackdaws on rooftops (8’35 “), Aldo Sara documentary
in competition:
CAT NOIR O’Neil Bu? Rgi (Switzerland – 06’23” – animation)
The Lion Tiber Giuliano Cipollone (Italy – 13’46 “- documentary)
hate Rosa Margherita Ferri (italy – 15’00” – documentary)
Selfies David M. Lorenz (Germany – 5’00 “- international fiction)
Denise Rossella English (Italy – 14’59 “- Italian fiction)
Wastland Latifa Said (France – 14’15” – international fiction)
It rains Ciro d’Emilio (Italy – 7’28 “- Italian fiction)
Nightshade Shady El-Hamus (Netherlands – 14’30 “- international fiction)
September 2, 2018
Evening Finale in pools of Terme di Saturnia park.
Award ceremony and screening of the winning short films
Best animation
Best Documentary
Best International Fiction
Best Italian Ficiton
Prize Audience
Award to the Best Director
Award Michelangelo Antonioni
final Acknowledgments