On the train
If you want to reach Manciano by train, you can choose the railway line Rome-Pisa and get off at the station or Grosseto Albinia (a half hour drive from Manciano) or the Montalto station (37 km from Manciano) .From Grosseto, Tiemme can use the public transport service, the clocks found below. You can also choose to get to Orvieto, 70 km away from Manciano.
By bus
With Tiemme transport you can reach Manciano Grosseto, Florence and Siena, but also move to neighboring countries.
Using the Cotral line, however, you can move toward and Viterbo in the Lazio region.
By bus
With Tiemme transport you can reach Manciano Grosseto, Florence and Siena, but also move to neighboring countries.
Using the Cotral line, however, you can move toward and Viterbo in the Lazio region.
By plane
The nearest international airport is the ‘Galileo Galilei Airport of Pisa, the’ Leonardo da Vinci airport in Rome Fiumicino Airport Rome Ciampino Giovan Battista Pastine.
For transport to Fiumicino: