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July 4, 2023 | Cristiana Paternò

The selected short films for this year’s Saturnia Film Festival, the itinerant event dedicated to short cinematography set in the heart of the Tuscan Maremma, have arrived from Cannes, Florida, and Turin. The festival is chaired by Antonella Santarelli and artistically directed by director Alessandro Grande.

From July 26th to 30th, the festival returns to the symbolic locations of the territory – from Manciano to Sorano, Montemerano, Rocchette di Fazio, and Saturnia – for five days of screenings, masterclasses, guests, exhibitions, tastings, and collateral initiatives.

The sixth edition is dedicated to Franco Zeffirelli on the centenary of his birth, featuring the screening of the documentary Zeffirelli conformista ribelle by Anselma Dell’Olio, in the presence of the author (photo).

There are 12 selected films in the fiction, animation, and documentary categories. Among the guests are Daniele Luchetti, Greta Scarano, Lorenzo Richelmy.

The section dedicated to Italian feature films of authorship, which rewards the three most significant debut and second works produced in the last year and their protagonists, is confirmed. The selected films for this edition are L’uomo sulla strada by Gianluca Mangiasciutti, Primadonna by Marta Savina, and Margini by Niccolò Falsetti, which will be screened and discussed in the presence of the authors (on July 27th, 28th, and 29th respectively). As for the short films in competition, some of the titles include Il barbiere complottista by Valerio Ferrara, winner of the Best Short Film La Cinef Award at the Cannes Festival (July 27th), Old Tricks by Edoardo Pasquini and Viktor Ivanov, presented at the Turin Film Festival (July 28th), 7 lbs 8 oz by Yoo Lee, acclaimed at the Florida Film Festival (July 27th), and from Cannes, The Right Words by Adrian Moyse Dullin (July 28th), Bear by Nasch Edgerton (July 27th), and Spring Roll Dreams by Mai Vu (July 29th).

The short films will be evaluated by a jury chaired by Paolo Orlando, the director of distribution at Medusa Film, and composed of Mario Mazzetti (Vivilcinema), Manuela Rima (Rai Cinema), and Mirella Cheeseman (Wildside). This year, the festival also includes the Women in Cinema award, dedicated to works directed by female directors and awarded by the Mujeres nel Cinema group, as well as the Audience Award and the Clorofilla Film Festival Award. Moreover, the short films in competition will be streamed for a unique event on the Mymovies platform of La Compagnia cinema in Florence, in collaboration with Fondazione Sistema Toscana.

Info: www.saturniafilmfestival.it

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